Unearthed Films, with
sales and distribution expertise provided by MVD Entertainment Group, has
picked out Aug. 14 as the street date for writer/director/producer Stephen
Biro’s latest installment in the American Guinea Pig horror series.
Titled The
Song of Solomon, Unearthed Films will be releasing both DVD and Blu-ray
editions, plus a special edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack, which includes a CD of
the film’s soundtrack.
The story itself is about
a seemingly ordinary woman by the name of Mary, played by none other than
“Scream Queen” Jessica Cameron (Camel Spiders, Resurrection, Intrusive
Behavior, Run Like Hell, etc.), so you know — as a genre fan — from the
get-go that this is going to be something special.
Cameron is a real pro,
who is more than willing get into her part — wow, does she really know all of
that Latin? — and that means in The Song of Solomon getting bloody …
really bloody!!!

Mary’s issues devolve
very quickly and before you know it she is in the middle of a series of
exorcisms that all end quite badly.
Stop! You’re thinking Exorcist rip-off right
about now. In the hands of a lesser
filmmaker — and without the performance of Jessica Cameron — that assumption
would certainly be the case.
But, Biro came up with a
script that almost wrote itself. It was
inspired!! He turned, as the backstory
goes, to the Catholic Church in his quest for knowledge about possession,
exorcisms and the like. They responded,
again as the story goes, by sending him a copy of “De Exorcismis Et
Supplicationibus Quibusdam” (aka: “Of Exorcisms and Certain Supplications”),
which is in Latin. It is literally an
84-page how-to manual, which became the basis for his script; his vision.
As to bonus nuggets,
there are two commentary options. The
first features filmmaker Stephen Biro, who is joined by the very talented
Jessica Cameron; the second teams Biro f/x whiz Marcus Koch (We
are Still Here, Die Die Delta Pi, American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore,
etc.) and make-up artist Jerami Cruise (Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther,
Revenge Is Her Middle Name, etc.), a behind-the scenes featurette and a
trio of video sessions — actress Jessica Cameron, writer/director/producer
Stephen Biro and f/x artist Marcus Koch.
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