Sunday, March 16, 2025

MVD Entertainment Group Bestows "Rewind Collection" Status On The Double Feature Of The Bikini Carwash Company And The Bikini Carwash Company II For Release On May 13

@dvdblurayreport, Ralph Tribbey, DVD & Blu-ray Release Report
The VCR gave rise to the direct-to-video category of feature films and the invention of the video rental store.   Home entertainment in the truest sense was born in 1980.

Forty-five years of movies have found their way directly into homes without the benefit of a theatrical run.   VHS and then DVD (and Blu-ray … and 4K Ultra HD).   Indeed, since the launch of DVD in 1997, there have 33,933 direct-to-video movies released on that format alone — virtually all of the best VHS product offerings and everything imaginable since then.

MVD Entertainment Group has a direct-to-video double feature lined for both DVD and Blu-ray on May 13 that reached video rental stores at the peak of their glory.   In fact, so successful was the first film in this collection that it spawned a direct-to-video sequel the following year.

Not only is MVD giving us this classic double-feature, but this combo will be joining the company’s immensely popular “Rewind Collection” library … and when we you consider what the double-feature is the “Rewind Collection” induction makes perfect sense.   

So what is the movie that spawned a sequel in the world of direct-to-video film productions?   None other than writer/director Ed Hansen’s The Bikini Carwash Company, who joined forces with producer and co-writer George “Buck” Flower to deliver this sudsy romp.

@dvdblurayreport, Ralph Tribbey, DVD & Blu-ray Release Report
Jim McCowan (Joe Dusic), who is from Iowa, has certainly gotten what amounts to be the worst family-business assignment ever!   His uncle, Elmer (played by Michael Wright), has tasked him to take on the management of the Sunshine Car Wash.   How monotonous can that be … dirty car, clean car, repeat.

But as luck would have it while trying to find the place, he bumps into Melissa (Kristi Ducati — Meatballs 4, Intimate Obsession, Sorceress), who comes up with a terrific idea for McCowan’s frumpy car washing location.   Why not get into it (the getting wet part, that is) by having her and her friends all show up wearing bikinis!   With bikinis instead of overalls maybe it won’t be so monotonous!!

Jim says why not, and just like that Melissa has her crew — Amy (Rikki Brando — Zipperface, Buford’s Beach Bunnies), Rita (Neriah Davis), Sunny  (Suzanne Brown — Secret Games 2: The Escort, Killer Looks, Lover’s Leap) and Tammy Joe (Brook Lynn Page) — getting wet and getting dirty cars cleaned.   So popular is Sunshine that there are traffic jams just getting in line for the show — sorry, it’s getting you car wash, not a show (yeah, right)!

@dvdblurayreport, Ralph Tribbey, DVD & Blu-ray Release Report
The show, oops, "car wash operation," even draws the attention of the law as Asst. District Attorney Drake (Matthew Cory Dunn) shows up with a squad of police to shut the place down!!

So successful was this direct-to-video production that a sequel immediately followed.   This would be director Gary Dean Orona’s The Bikini Carwash Company II, which finds Melissa, Amy, Rita and Sunny bathing in their success as the Sunshine Car Wash has become so popular that a giant, mega, loaded-with-cash corporation has stepped in an bought the place.   Oh boy, big cash, major improvements, right?   Wrong!

Location, location, location, which means tearing it down and building a high-rise exclusive condo tower … and put the car wash ladies — bikini-clad at that — out of a job.

What plan will Melissa and Amy come up with to save the Sunshine Car Wash?

To discover that — and more — be sure to check out this “Rewind Collection” double bill (on both DVD and Blu-ray) from MVD Entertainment Group on May 13.

@dvdblurayreport, Ralph Tribbey, DVD & Blu-ray Release Report

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