For the record, the ARR for the new Oct. 13 release date is
now 137 days and the latest box office take is $151.9 million.
In other release news this week from Warner Bros., they’ve
gone to the film vaults and dusted off not one, but four Eddie Cantor films for
delivery to DVD on Aug. 4.
We kick off the fun with Cantor’s second sound film, the
1931 release of director Edward Sutherland’s Palmy Days. Cantor sings and Cantor is funny (especially
in a certain “little” outfit) as the assistant to Charles Middleton, the future
Gordon iconic villain, Ming the Merciless.
Always the bad guy, Middleton is a conman named Yolando, who
turns on his little buddy and orders him rubbed out (yes, that’s a young George
Raft). Other future stars on view here
include Betty Grable and Paulette Goddard (as Goldwyn Girls).
Next in line (chronologically speaking) is the 1932 release
of director Leo McCarey’s The Kid From Spain. Here, Eddie hams it up with Robert Young as
college students — expelled for hanky panky in the girl’s dorm — who get mixed
up in a bank robbery and take it on the lam to Mexico. Eddie, to hide from the pursuing police,
takes on the perfect disguise … a bull fighter!!!

The fourth Eddie Cantor film being released on DVD on Aug. 4
is director Norman Taurog’s 1936 musical comedy, Strike Me Pink. Eddie is hired to run an amusement park
(filmed at the Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey) that is a front for
illegal activities. Ethel Merman is
his co-star, a tough-edged honky-tonk singer that Eddie is madly in love with!
On the Blu-ray front, four previously released films on DVD
will be getting a Blu-ray push on Oct. 6 … these are: Beast from 20,000 Fathoms,
Joe Young, Son of Kong and Them!
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