Icarus Films is teaming with the KimStim Collection on Nov.
17 for the DVD debut of documentary filmmaker Arne Birkenstock’s Beltracchi:
The Art Of Forgery.
Earlier this year (Jan. 27), Oscilloscope released Art
and Craft, which told the story of artist Mark Landis and his seemingly
endless stream of forged paintings. Not
only could he mimic the greats, put he would pull off elaborate schemes to get
unsuspecting museums to take and display his donated works. Technically-speaking, Landis never committed
any crime since all of his paintings were donated free of charge.
This was not, however, the case with art forger Wolfgang
Beltracchi. Over a forty year period he
sold over $45 million worth of French and German masterworks “created” by such
artists as surrealist Max Ernst, cubist Fernand Léger, modernist Heinrich
Campendonk, fauvist André Derain and expressionist Max Pechstein.
The 20th Century artists were all of different
disciplines, but they all had one thing in common. They all died after World War II, which meant
that Europe was in chaos from before 1939 and up through the early 1950s. Museums were raided (Nazis), paintings
stolen, priceless masterpieces lost, destroyed or in the hands of private
Beltracchi, like Mark Landis, is a gifted artist (and also
an art historian) in his own right, but his confidence scheme used the chaos of
the war years and the demise of these famous artists to fill in the gaps of
their collective works. Think about it,
there are no witnesses, so if suddenly a “missing” Max Ernst painting is found,
who is to say, “I didn’t paint that!!!”
Indeed, his wife, Helene became part of his elaborate
hoax. She convinced the world that her
grandfather had hidden many of the German painters works from the Nazi onslaught. Museums, curators and even the renown Sotheby's
auction house fell for it.

Wolfgang Beltracchi ended up doing six years in prison and
owes millions in fines. Filmmaker Arne
Birkenstock was able to get Beltracchi to sit down and talk about his “work.”
There remains a great irony to his collective “work,” many
of those who bought such paintings remain in denial that they are actually
forgeries. If it walks like a duck,
quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck!!!
Beltracchi: The Art Of Forgery is presented in German with
English subtitles. Bonus features
include separate video sessions with Wolfgang and Helene Beltracchi and
filmmaker Arne Birkenstock, plus the featurette titled, “Art Authenticators
Visit Beltracchi’s Studio.”
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