Weirdness abounds these days in the home entertainment
market place.
Consider this — just as one example, and there are many
more, but space prohibits such a laundry list — 20th Century-Fox
snaps up the rights to novice writer Andy Weir’s sci-fi sensation, The
Martian, and then recruits A-list producer Simon Kinberg (X-Men:
First Class, Elysium, X-Men: Days of Future Past, etc.) to develop the
novel into a workable film project.
That’s what studios do — that’s not the weird part.
Kinberg in turn recruits Drew Goddard (The Cabin in the Woods, World War
Z, etc.) to handle the adaptation (script) and superstar Ridley Scott
to direct — Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down … and on and on
and on — and before you can say “Matt Damon,” Matt Damon is onboard as Andy
Weir’s stranded astronaut Mark Watney.
With those four bankable elements in place — Kinberg,
Goddard, Scott and Damon — the studio proceeded to plow over a $100 million
into the production budget of the film and easily spent another $30 million in
the domestic market launching The Martian on over 3,800 screens in
early October of this year.
That’s one hell of an investment. And it paid off, as The Martian is not only a
critical success, but a box office blockbuster as well — $218.5 million in
domestic ticket sales and still counting.

It’s just a little weird that the studio would invest this
much money, recruit this caliber of talent and launch a property nationally —
with all that PR buzz and critical acclaim — and not even take the time to break
wind when it comes to announcing both stand-alone DVD and Blu-ray editions, as
well as a double-disc 3D/2D Blu-ray SKU (the SRP premium for the 3D viewing
option is ten buck) for the second week of January — which just happens to be
timed for the Jan. 14 Oscar nomination announcement.

Just for the record, the ARR for that Jan. 12 street date
works out to 102 days, about two-weeks below the industry average for theatrical
releases grossing in excess of $25 million.
Perhaps this is too tight a window to get all the moving pieces — like a
press announcement — in place before
retailers start taking orders (it’s a dog-eat-dog market out there, so once one
goes, they all go).
Bonus materials for The Martian … well, we will have to
wait for the “official” announcement (perhaps this next week) to find out what
they are, but you can certainly expect the Blu-ray SKUs to be loaded with bonus
goodies related to the production of the film.
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