In a society that glorifies instant gratification and the
easy cure for what ails you it is refreshing to take notice of — as Robert
Frost so succinctly put it — those who choose to take the “one less traveled”
in getting their life out of the morass of despair and back into the daylight.
Such is the story that newly-minted documentary filmmakers Cary
Mosier, Ryland Engelhart and Conor Gaffney — with hands-on guidance from
veteran Gregg Marks — tell in their film, May I Be Frank. Cinema Libre has tabbed Feb. 12 as the DVD
release date.
Imagine that you’re a 54-year old, 290-pound schlub of a
man, living a miserable life — too much booze — suffering from Hep C and other maladies
of the body and spirit, who happens to wander into a Vegan restaurant.
That sounds like the set-up for a joke, you know the kind: “A duck walks into a bar,” but in this case it is the Café Gratitude in San Francisco and it is probably the last place on earth for Frank Ferrante to be ... much less a duck.
That sounds like the set-up for a joke, you know the kind: “A duck walks into a bar,” but in this case it is the Café Gratitude in San Francisco and it is probably the last place on earth for Frank Ferrante to be ... much less a duck.
Better a pill for this, a pill for that, some fast food and
a drink or two … that would be more his style, not some yuppie bistro with
veggies on the menu.
But surprise, Frank likes the place. People are nice. The food, ahhhh, that might take some getting
use to. But, this is where it gets
good, because May I Be Frank isn’t one of those Hollywood feel-good movies,
it’s a real story about a real human being — one with lots of flaws.

The trio of young filmmakers coach him, help him through the
tough spots (it’s not easy breaking life-long habits) and take Frank to a new
place, both physically and emotionally.
They have the film to prove it.
Enter Gregg Marks, who, as the story goes, took a look at
their raw footage, shot connecting sequences and edited it into the final,
award-winning documentary. May I
Be Frank, might just be of the best films for your heart come this
Valentine’s Day … Cinema Libre’s Feb. 12 release date is spot-on for just such
a thing to happen!
To download this week's complete edition of the DVD and
Blu-ray Release Report: DVD & Blu-ray Release Report
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