Warner Home Video announced
this past week that writer/director Brian Helgeland’s Jackie Robinson biopic, 42,
will be available to own as either a Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack or as a stand-alone
DVD SKU on July 16 (both editions include UltraViolet).
The ARR is a
quick-to-market 95 days (timed to take advantage of the media hype surrounding
this year’s All Star Game … which is also on July 16). Ticket sales at the local multiplex were a
very solid $92.9 — an exceptional number for a sports biopic.
Helgeland, who won the
Oscar for his riveting (and attention to detail) script for L.A.
Confidential in 1998 and was also nominated for his screenplay
adaptation of Mystic River in 2003, is likely to see his third Oscar
nomination this year.
He does play a little fast
and loose with some of the actual historical events (for dramatic purposes),
but his script and resulting film gets to the core of the story about Jackie
Robinson and Branch Rickey breaking the baseball color barrier in 1947.
His screenplay focuses in
on the immediate post-war period of 1946 and 1947, when Branch Rickey of the
Brooklyn Dodgers went shopping for the individual with both the skills and the
emotional maturity to bring black baseball players into the major leagues. There were plenty of candidates in the
“parallel” Negro Leagues to choose from in terms of ability, but Rickey
correctly surmised that the racial taunts and bigotry of the day would be the
real test for any black player stepping into the national spotlight.
Jackie Robinson, Army
officer during World War II, college-educated and a four-sport athlete was the
man that Rickey ultimately felt had the emotional skills to cope with what
would be thrust upon him. 42
is that story.
To make this work,
Helgeland needed two things. First,
everything on the screen needed to feel authentic — Ebbets Field needed to be
Ebbets Field of 1947. All of the
uniforms needed to “feel” right for the period. The CGI, costuming and set decoration are
all outstanding … time machine sort of stuff.
Second, the pivotal
characters of this “passion play” had to hit all of the right notes. Chadwick Boseman as Jackie Robinson is
superb, with Harrison Ford the perfect counterpoint as Branch Rickey the
showman to Robinson’s business-like demeanor.
Helgeland also picks a
couple of key events to showcase in this well-constructed story. The Philly manager, Ben Chapman
(played by Alan Tudyk), did more to advance race relations as a bigot of
gigantic proportions (actual events early in the 1947 season) with his
unrelenting sting of racial slurs than all of the well-meaning intellectuals of
the period. In one series he managed to
unite the Dodger team around Robinson … no human being, black or white, deserved
to be subjected to such vile insults they reasoned.
The other nice touch is the Pee Wee Reese (played by Lucas
Black) moment (also an actual event, but there is some historical debate as to
whether this took place in 1947 or actually in 1948). In any case, legend has it that Cincinnati
fans were taunting Robinson without mercy (pick a word, they said it), when
suddenly Reese walked over to Robinson’s position at first base and put his arm
around him … sort of a F*** You moment.
As to bonus features, the DVD includes the featurette titled
“Stepping Into History,” while the Blu-ray SKU includes that one, plus two more
— “Full-Contact Baseball” and “The Legacy of the Number 42.”

Full seasons on Blu-ray and DVD of Vampire Diaries: The Complete
Fourth Season, Person of Interest: The Complete Second
Season and Revolution: The Complete First Season kick-off the parade on
Sept. 3.
The following street-date Tuesday, Sept. 10, marks the
arrival of Supernatural: The Complete Eighth Season (both Blu-ray and DVD
set) and a Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack edition of Big Bang Theory: The Complete
Sixth Season.
Sept. 17 is the street date for Arrow: The Complete First Season
— on DVD and Blu-ray.
Also of note, Friday the 13th of September will
be the release date for the 12-film Blu-ray collection of Friday the 13th: The Complete
Collection (ten Blu-ray discs with a bonus DVD).
To download this week's
complete edition of the DVD and Blu-ray Release Report: DVD & Blu-ray Release Report
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