Thursday, September 5, 2024

Oscilloscope Laboratories Has Tabbed Sept. 24 For The DVD And Blu-ray Debut Of Filmmakers Danny O'Malley and Alex Rivest's Canary

DVD & Blu-ray Release Report, Ralph Tribbey, @dvdblurayreport
Oscilloscope Laboratories has targeted Sept. 24 for the Blu-ray and DVD debut of Canary from documentary filmmaker Danny O’Malley, in collaboration with Alex Rivest, PhD (in Neuroscience from MIT).   This is an indepth look at the research of Professor Lonnie Thompson and his globe-trotting study of ice caps — paleoclimatology.

While on the surface that may seem pretty dry — or chilly — you have to understand that Thompson and his wife, Ellen, have had to endure incredible treks — adventures — to get to where the action is.   Can we say remote and hostile?

The film, Canary, goes beyond the rigors of getting to the isolated locations to do the research (harvest ice core samples) and shows how Thompson was able to come up with clever ideas to created the “machinery” that could be transported to those remote, and yes, very hostile locations.

Several reviewers have compared Thompson to the fictional Indiana Jones, but without the whip.

DVD & Blu-ray Release Report, Ralph Tribbey, @dvdblurayreport
The film had an ever so brief theatrical run in September of last year — for the record the ARR comes in at 375 days.   So it arrives on DVD and Blu-ray from Oscilloscope on Sept. 24 with limited exposure … this physical media launch gives Canary the opportunity to reach a much wider audience.

Bonus features include filmmaker commentary and additional scenes.

DVD & Blu-ray Release Report, Ralph Tribbey, @dvdblurayreport

DVD & Blu-ray Release Report, Ralph Tribbey, @dvdblurayreport

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